Saturday, June 30, 2012


Not sure how this happened but due to my jacked up numbering, there is no Chapter 11.

Jaylee giggled along with Sahara's baby-talk. Sahara was chatty but she refused to use words, she preferred to babble. It was frustrating to Jaylee that her daughter didn't speak, she knew that Sahara was quite capable of talking, the tot did when she really wanted things.  

Potty training Sahara was a lot easier than it had been with Egypt. She loved interacting with her family, and she especially enjoyed making them smile. 

"Is she doing anything?" Claus asked, he had gotten a promotion which meant that he worked longer hours, but he always made time for his family. Especially his children. Jaylee had given him the best gifts that anyone could receive, three healthy, happy children. Each with their own little personalities, their own likes and dislikes.

"Dadadadadada!" Sahara sang, reaching her arms toward Claus.

He chuckled and picked up his daughter, soaking her cheeks with kisses. Snowie came in and took Sahara from Claus, Sahara was her baby. "Bedtime honey." She told the tot who waved goodbye to her parents.

Snowie changed Sahara and placed her on the potty, then she tucked the tot in and read her a story.

The next morning found Jaylee starting her day as usual. Tending to Cupid first, then going downstairs to the other children. Usually, Agnes would already have breakfast ready, the two still did not get along but Jaylee would sit and chat with Egypt while she fed Sahara who would sit on her lap.

As the sun rose in the morning, Sahara would demand that her mother danced with her and she would have to oblige. 

The bus would pull up and blow it's horn at eight o'clock sharp, Jaylee would ask Egypt to put on more feminine clothes, the two would argue. The argument always ended with Egypt rolling her eyes and saying, "Whatever Mom!"

Jaylee was proud of the way her eldest daughter turned out. Egypt looked just like her, from the wicked eyebrows to the straight hair, but those lips were certainly Jack's.

Snowie's birthday rolled around a few weeks later. Snowie didn't have a big party, it was just her and her family. While they stood around Snowie encouraging her to make a wish, the girl wondered what could someone who had everything possibly wish for. 

The one thing she really wanted but didn't have of course...


  1. I wonder if it's love or baby of her own Snowie's heart desires? I love the tug of war relationship Jaylee seems to have with Egypt. For some reason seeing her dressed like a boy reminded me of the Jolie-Pitts' Shiloh, she is such a tomboy!

    1. LOL oh yeah! I forgot about that kid...they're so hard to keep track of as its so many of them.

  2. I get the feeling Jaylee and Claus still haven't patched things up properly :( Snowie all grown up I wonder what she wished for :)

    Loved it :)

  3. Egypt does look like her mother.

    Snowie is beautiful. I bet I know what she wished for too!

    1. I don't like the way Snowie turned out, I had such high hopes for her, she was such a cute kid. She looks too much like Agnes for my liking
